Mike Yi
Technical Content Marketing Manager at Chartio,
Contributor at Data School
Mike has a multidisciplinary background, covering statistics, machine learning, data analysis, and psychology. With data becoming an increasingly important part of navigating today’s business, he is dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of data concepts to a broader audience.

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Author of 1 chapters
What Makes a Great Dashboard (ACES)
From How to Design a DashboardLearn the best practices behind dashboard design to support decision making. Accuracy, Clarity, Empowerment, and being Succinct.
Reviewer of 21 chapters
Survivorship Bias
From Avoid Misrepresenting DataSurvivorship bias negatively affects your analysis. Learn how to detect Survivorship Bias and how to avoid this cognitive bias.
Build the Metrics
From How to Design a DashboardUse SQL to query the database to get the data behind the metrics people want to see. Use our template to quickly build accurate queries. Learn more.
Dashboard Design Process
From How to Design a DashboardSee how design thinking principals map to dashboard design. Define, Prototype, Build, and Deploy Dashboards.
Dashboard Prototyping and Feedback
From How to Design a DashboardLearn techniques to prototype your dashboard and iterate. See examples of prototyped dashboards and download dashboard templates.
Determine the Metrics to Monitor
From How to Design a DashboardDefine what metrics actually matter to business professionals. Use customer development techniques to determine the best metrics.
Finding the Data That Builds Metrics
From How to Design a DashboardLearn to collaborate with your data team to discover what data can be used within a dashboard. Use SQL to find and assess columns to use.
Identifying Key Roles
From How to Design a DashboardLearn the key stakeholders for a dashboard design process. Learn how to work with Designers, Developers, and your audience.
From How to Design a DashboardDashboards help organizations make data driven decisions. Learn how to apply design thinking to creating useful dashboards.
Making Sure Your Dashboard Always Gets Better
From How to Design a DashboardUse feedback loops from your audience to keep iterating on dashboards you create. Learn to improve it's usability and performance.
Sharing the Dashboard – Distribution Strategies
From How to Design a DashboardLearn the best practices and common pitfalls of sharing out dashboards. Distributing your dashboard is critical to it being useful.
What is a Dashboard?
From How to Design a DashboardLearn what dashboards are and why they are important to making decisions. Dashboards have a long history for supporting decision making.
What Makes a Great Dashboard (ACES)
From How to Design a DashboardLearn the best practices behind dashboard design to support decision making. Accuracy, Clarity, Empowerment, and being Succinct.
Confirmation Bias
From Avoid Misrepresenting DataConfirmation bias negatively affects the accuracy of your analysis. Learn how to detect Confirmation Bias and how to avoid this cognitive bias.
Define Experiment Parameters
From Avoid Misrepresenting DataDefining Experiment Parameters improves analysis and increases trust in results that are shared in an organization.
Metric vs Metrics
From Avoid Misrepresenting DataA single Metric can be misleading. Learn how to use multiple Metrics to avoid misleading yourself and others.
Overall vs Groups
From Avoid Misrepresenting DataOverall statistics in data can be misleading because there may be distinct groups within the data that have very different statistics. Learn to avoid this analysis mistake.
Predicting Outcomes
From Avoid Misrepresenting DataPredicting Outcomes prevents cognitive biases from affecting how your interpretation of the results of an experiment. Learn more.
Relative vs Absolute Change
From Avoid Misrepresenting DataRelative and Absolute changes can bias your interpretation of data you are analyzing. Learn to interpret them correctly.
Review Outcomes
From Avoid Misrepresenting DataReview Outcomes of Feature Releases to evaluate their impact and to create institutional knowledge. Learn how to interpret results accurately.
Selection Bias
From Avoid Misrepresenting DataSelection bias negatively affects your analysis. Learn how to detect Selection Bias and how to avoid this cognitive bias.
Arranging Your Charts as a Dashboard
From How to Design a DashboardMaximize understanding of a dashboard by arranging data visualizations intelligently. Learn common design patterns to improve readability.