How to Explore Data

Last modified: September 27, 2019

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  1. Help writing this chapter
  2. Share your story about working through this problem at work

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How to Explore Data In Progress Overview

Having a lot of data in your database is great, knowing how to get value out of it can be challenging. The first step is to explore what data you have. We want to show how to get oriented to a dataset and then how to explore it systematically. Show how to use SQL and simple visualizations to start finding insights in the data.

Outline + Learning Objectives

Getting Context for the Data

  • Describe what methods you can use to understand where the data came from and what it is being used to do

Univariate exploration

  • Create visualizations and summary statistics to explore single columns of data

Multivariate exploration

  • Create visualizations and summary statistics to explore multiple columns of data

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