
Blake Barnhill

Marketing Intern at Chartio,
Contributor at Data School

Blake is an undergraduate in Computer Science at Virginia Tech with a passion for teaching others the intricacies of computer coding and analytical thinking. As a lover of all things math, he is very interested in the data analytics world. Blake is working on the Data School @ Chartio initiative.

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Author of 11 chapters

Scheduling Modeling

From SQL Optimization

Schedule data modeling tasks to make data easy to query. Learn to use dbt Cloud to model data to optimize your data warehouse. Learn more.

Row vs Column Oriented Databases


Column oriented databases have become dominant over row oriented databases in data warehousing.

Running Jupyter Notebook on an EC2 Server


Learn how to run a Jupyter Notebook on an AWS EC2 Server and the advantages of this.

Using Jupyter Notebooks


This article walks through the basics of using a Jupyter notebook. It covers how to load data, create a notebook, and begin using that notebook.

How Regex in SQL Works

From How to Teach People SQL

Learn how Regex works in SQL and how to use it in your queries. See the Regex process visualized in gifs. Learn more.


From How to Teach People SQL

CASE WHEN is a SQL function that works a lot like IF THEN in other programming languages. Learn to use CASE WHEN in SQL.

How Window Functions Work

From How to Teach People SQL

Learn how window functions work by looking at gifs that show the process in slow motion. See every step in SQL animated in slow motion. Learn more.

BigQuery Optimization

From SQL Optimization

Learn how BigQuery optimizes your database through specific hardware optimization strategies.


From SQL Optimization

Indexing is a critical part of database optimization. Indexing can dramatically increase query speed. See how indexes work and learn to build indexes with SQL.

Redshift Optimization

From SQL Optimization

Learn how Redshift manages optimization for your cloud data warehouse. Learn when to manually tune the database further for more performance for SQL queries.

Creating an EC2 Server


Learn how to quickly set up an EC2 server on AWS. Follow along with screenshots and instructions.

Reviewer of 17 chapters

What is a Query Plan

From SQL Optimization

Query Plan's are the code that SQL runs on your database. Learn how the query plan works and how to optimize your SQL queries. Learn more

Export to CSV with \copy

From Learn SQL

This article discusses how to export data from psql to a csv file using the copy commands

How to Start a PostgreSQL Server on Mac OS X

From Learn SQL

This article shows how to start a PostgreSQL server using both Homebrew and the potgres app on a Mac.

Using ALTER in PostgreSQL

From Learn SQL

Learn the different potential uses of the ALTER command in PSQL. Add and drop columns from tables. Rename and change schemas and more.

Confirmation Bias

From Avoid Misrepresenting Data

Confirmation bias negatively affects the accuracy of your analysis. Learn how to detect Confirmation Bias and how to avoid this cognitive bias.

Define Experiment Parameters

From Avoid Misrepresenting Data

Defining Experiment Parameters improves analysis and increases trust in results that are shared in an organization.

Relative vs Absolute Change

From Avoid Misrepresenting Data

Relative and Absolute changes can bias your interpretation of data you are analyzing. Learn to interpret them correctly.

Review Outcomes

From Avoid Misrepresenting Data

Review Outcomes of Feature Releases to evaluate their impact and to create institutional knowledge. Learn how to interpret results accurately.

Selection Bias

From Avoid Misrepresenting Data

Selection bias negatively affects your analysis. Learn how to detect Selection Bias and how to avoid this cognitive bias.

Statistic vs Distribution

From Avoid Misrepresenting Data

Distributions provide much more nuance to the data than a statistic does. Learn how to query to get distributions and then interpret them.

Survivorship Bias

From Avoid Misrepresenting Data

Survivorship bias negatively affects your analysis. Learn how to detect Survivorship Bias and how to avoid this cognitive bias.


From Avoid Misrepresenting Data

Trend in data can be misleading depending on what time frame you are looking at it. Learn how to accurately interpret trends.

Multicolumn Indexes

From SQL Optimization

This article walks through what multicolumn indexes are, how to make them, and when to use them.

Optimization with EXPLAIN ANALYZE

From SQL Optimization

The EXPLAIN shows the query plan for SQL queries in Postgres. Learn how to interpret the results from EXPLAIN and use it to optimize your SQL queries.

Partial Indexes

From SQL Optimization

Partial indexes are an advanced database optimization technique. Learn how to create Partial Indexes and measure their performance.


From SQL Optimization

SQL VIEWs allow you to create temporary or permanent references to data. This is a common database optimization technique. Learn more.

Copying Data Between Tables

From Learn SQL

Learn to copy data from a table or query into another table using the INSERT command in psql.